Thursday, February 01, 2007

Why We Do What We Do

Pretty pompous huh? Well we do the things we do because of what's in our heads.

No matter what the subject, there's a rainbow of variations of people. Everybody is doing something different. There are no two people doing exactly the same thing with the same motive.

Take politics for example: No matter what the subject, there's a bunch of people who believe it, a bunch who don't and a bunch that sort of do and sort of don't and the rest just don't know.
Some think that George Bush was standing out on a boat with flares directing the two airplanes to the World Trade Center.
Others just believe that Bush planned the attach to be able to justify attacking Iraq. Others think that Bush bombed the Trade Center because both buildings fell waaaay too perfectly to have been struck randomly by two passenger jets. Others believe that Bush had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack except for not having prevented it.
Why do some people think our education system is good? Good heavens! It's obvious that our educational system stinks, that it's nothing but a football to be kicked by whatever team can get their hands on it. We spend more money per capita than any other country in the world. People think the educational system is good because they wouldn't know a book from a sanitary pad anyway.
There's a lot of people who don't agree with me at all. They think the educational system is good, the schools are good, the curriculum is good. The truth is, our schools STINK!
What about all the violence on TV? A lot of people think it has no effect on our children.

There's an amateur politician for every possible friggin opinion.

So...trying to figure out why we do what we do is really a joke....start laughing!

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